Distance Metric Learning

This app implements Distance Metric Learning (DML) as proposed in [1], on Bösen. DML takes data pairs labeled either as similar or dissimilar to learn a Mahalanobis distance matrix such that similar data pairs will have small distances while dissimilar pairs are separated apart.

[1] Eric P. Xing, Michael I. Jordan, Stuart Russell, and Andrew Y. Ng. “Distance metric learning with application to clustering with side-information.” In Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 505-512. 2002.


On a dataset with 1M data instances; 22K feature dimension; 22M parameters, the Bösen DML implementation converges in approximately 15 minutes, using 4 machines (64 cores each).


Going from 1 to 4 machines results in a speedup of roughly 3.75x.

Quick start

The DML app can be found in bosen/app/dml/. From this point on, all instructions will assume you are in bosen/app/dml/. After building PMLS (as explained earlier in this manual), you can build the DML app from bosen/app/dml by running


This will put the DML binary in the subdirectory bin/.

Next, download the preprocessed MNIST dataset from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pengtaox/dataset/mnist_petuum.zip. Unzip the files and copy them to the datasets folder. You can use the following commands:

cd datasets
wget http://www.cs.cmu.edu/%7Epengtaox/dataset/mnist_petuum.zip
unzip mnist_petuum.zip
cd ..

Change app_dir in script/run_local.py; see example below. You need to provide the full path to the DML directory. This will allow for correct YARN operation (if required).

app_dir = "/home/user/bosen/app/dml"

Using the MNIST dataset, you can test that the app works on the local machine (with 4 worker threads). From the app/dml/ directory, run:


The DML app runs in the background (progress is output to stdout). After the app terminates, you should get one output file:


dismat.txt saves the distance matrix in row major order and each line corresponds to a row.

Running the Distance Metric Learning Application

Parameters of the DML app are specified in script/run_local.py, including:

  • <num_worker_threads>: how many worker threads to use in each machine
  • <staleness>: staleness value
  • <parafile>: configuration file of DML parameters
  • <feature_file>: file storing features of data samples
  • <simi_pairs_file>: file storing similar pairs
  • <diff_pairs_file>: file storing dissimilar pairs
  • <model_weight_file>: the path where the learned distance matrix will be stored

The machine file is specified in script/launch.py:

hostfile_name = "machinefiles/localserver"

After configuring these parameters, launch the app by:


Format of DML Configuration File

The DML configurations are stored in <parameter_file>. Each line corresponds to a parameter and its format is

<parameter_name>: <parameter_value>

<parameter_name> is the name of the parameter. It is followed by a : (there is no blank between <parameter_name> and :). <parameter_value> is the value of this parameter. Note that : and <parameter_value> must be separated by a blank.

The list of parameters and their meanings are:

  • src_feat_dim: dimension of the observed feature space
  • dst_feat_dim: dimension of the latent space
  • learn_rate: learning rate of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
  • epoch: number of epochs in SGD
  • num_total_pts: number of data samples
  • num_simi_pairs: number of similar pairs
  • num_diff_pairs: number of dissimilar pairs
  • mini_batch_size: size of mini-batch
  • num_iters_evaluate: every <num_iters_evaluate> iterations, we do an objective function evaluation
  • num_smp_evaluate: when evaluating the objective function, we randomly sample <num_smp_evaluate> points to compute the objective

Note that, the order of the parameters cannot be switched. Here is an example:

src_feat_dim: 780
dst_feat_dim: 600
lambda: 1
thre: 1
learn_rate: 0.001
epoch: 50
num_total_pts: 60000
num_simi_pairs: 1000
num_diff_pairs: 1000
mini_batch_size: 100
num_iters_evaluate: 1000
num_smps_evaluate: 1000

Input data format

The input data is stored in three files

<feat file>
<simi pairs file>
<diff pairs file> 

<feat file> stores the features of data samples in sparse format. Each lines corresponds to one data sample. The format is

<class label> <num of nonzero features> <feature id>:<feature value> <feature id>:<feature value> ...

<simi pairs file> stores the data pairs labeled as similar. Each line contains a similar data pair separated with tab. <diff pairs file> stores the data pairs labeled as dissimilar. Each line contains a dissimilar data pair separated with tab.

Output model format

The app outputs the learned model to one file:


<dismat_file> saves the distance matrix in row major order and each line corresponds to a row. Elements in each row are separated with blank.

Terminate DML app

The DML app runs in the background, and outputs its progress to stdout. If you need to terminate the app before it finishes, for distributed version, run

./script/kill.py <hostfile>

File IO from HDFS

Put datasets to HDFS

hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/bosen/dataset/dml
hadoop fs -put datasets /user/bosen/dataset/dml

Change the corresponding file paths in script/run_local.py to the right HDFS path. Comment out the local path.

# , "parafile": join(app_dir, "datasets/dml_para.txt")
, "parafile": "hdfs://hdfs-domain/user/bosen/dataset/dml/datasets/dml_para.txt"
# , "feature_file": join(app_dir, "datasets/mnist_petuum/minist_reformatted.txt")
, "feature_file": "hdfs://hdfs-domain/user/bosen/dataset/dml/datasets/mnist_petuum/minist_reformatted.txt"
# , "simi_pairs_file": join(app_dir, "datasets/mnist_petuum/mnist_simi_pairs.txt")
, "simi_pairs_file": "hdfs://hdfs-domain/user/bosen/dataset/dml/datasets/mnist_petuum/mnist_simi_pairs.txt"
# , "diff_pairs_file": join(app_dir, "datasets/mnist_petuum/mnist_diff_pairs.txt")
, "diff_pairs_file": "hdfs://hdfs-domain/user/bosen/dataset/dml/datasets/mnist_petuum/mnist_diff_pairs.txt"
# , "model_weight_file": join(app_dir, "datasets/dismat.txt")
, "model_weight_file": "hdfs://hdfs-domain/user/bosen/dataset/dml/datasets/dismat.txt"

Launch it over ssh


Check the output

hadoop fs -cat /user/bosen/dataset/dml/datasets/dismat.txt

Use Yarn to launch DML app
