Support Vector Machine

PMLS provides a SVM solver on distributed system. SVM application can be found in strads/apps/svm_release/. From this point on, all instructions will assume you are in strads/apps/svm_release/.

After building the Strads system (as explained in the installation page), you may build the the SVM solver from strads/apps/svm_release/ by running


Test the app (on your local machine) by running


This will perform SVM on rcv1.binary sample data in ./input. The estimated model weights can be found in ./output.


Coming soon

Input data format

The SVM use the LIBSVM format:

y col:value  col:value  col:value  col:value  col:value 
y col:value  col:value  col:value  col:value 
y col:value  col:value  col:value

A single line represents a sample that consists of y response values and non-zero entries with column indexes. col is 1-indexed as like Matlab.

Output format

The output file of SVM looks something like this:

col value
col value
col value
col value
col value

Each row with column id and value represents a non-zero model-parameter.

Machine configuration

See Strads configuration files

Program Options

The SVM is launched using a python script, e.g.

machfile = ['./singlemach.vm']

# data setting                                                                                                         
input = ['./input/rcv']

# degree of parallelism                                                                                                
set_size = [' 1 ']

prog = ['./bin/svm-dual ']

os.system(" mpirun -machinefile "+machfile[0]+" "+prog[0]+" --machfile "+machfile[0]+" -input "+inputfile[0]+" -max_iter 200 -C 1.0 "+" -parallels "+dparallel[0]+" ");

The basic options are:

  • inputfile: Path to the design matrix file, which must be present/visible to all machines. We strongly recommend providing the full path name to the data file.
  • max_iter: maximum number of iterationsThe following options are available for advanced users, who wish to control the dynamic scheduling algorithm used in the linear solver:
  • dparallel: the number of parameters to schedule per iteration. Increasing this can improve performance, but only up to a point.
  • C: is a SVM penalty parameter, which should be larger than 0.