Deep Neural Network for Speech Recognition

This tutorial shows how the Deep Neural Network (DNN) application (implemented on Bösen) can be applied to speech recognition, using Kaldi ( as our tool for feature extraction and decoding. Kaldi is a toolkit for speech recognition written in C++ and licensed under the Apache License v2.0. It also provides two DNN applications (, and we follow Dan’s setting in feature extraction, preprocessing and decoding.

Our DNN consists of an input layer, arbitrary number of hidden layers and an output layer. Each layer contains a certain amount of neuron units. Each unit in the input layer corresponds to an element in the feature vector. We represent the class label using 1-of-K coding and each unit in the output layer corresponds to a class label. The number of hidden layers and the number of units in each hidden layer are configured by the users. Units between adjacent layers are fully connected. In terms of DNN learning, we use the cross entropy loss and stochastic gradient descent where the gradient is computed using backpropagation method.


PMLS Deep Neural Network Application

The DNN for Speech Recognition app can be found in bosen/app/dnn_speech/. From this point on, all instructions will assume you are in bosen/app/dnn_speech/. After building PMLS (as explained earlier in this manual), you can build the DNN from bosen/app/dnn_speech/ by running


This will put the DNN binary in the subdirectory bin/.


From bosen/app/dnn_speech/, extract Kaldi by running:

tar -xvf kaldi-trunk.tar.gz
cd kaldi-trunk/tools

Next, we must build the ATLAS libraries in a local directory. From kaldi-trunk/tools,

sudo apt-get install gfortran

This process will take some time, and will report some messages of the form Error 1 (ignored) - this is normal. More details can be found in kaldi-trunk/INSTALL, kaldi-trunk/tools/INSTALL and kaldi-trunk/src/INSTALL.

Once ATLAS has been set up,

cd ../src/
make depend

The first make may produce some “Error 1 (ignored)” messages, this is normal and can be ignored. The ./configure may produce a warning about GCC 4.8.2, which can also be ignored for our purposes. Be advised that these steps will take a while (up to 1-2 hours).

The Whole Pipeline

Currently, we only support TIMIT dataset (, a well-known benchmark dataset for speech recognition. You can process this dataset through following steps.

1. Feature extraction

WARNING: this stage will take several hours, and requires at least 16GB free RAM.


sh scripts/ <TIMIT_path>

where <TIMIT_path> is the absolute path to the TIMIT directory. This will extract features and do some preprocessing work to generate Train.fea, Train.label, Train.para, head.txt and tail.txt in app/dnn_speech directory and exp/petuum_dnn in kaldi-trunk/egs/timit/s5 directory. The script will take 1-2 hours to complete.

  • <TIMIT_path> is the absolute path of TIMIT dataset. You can get it through
  • Train.fea and Train.label save the feature and label of training examples, one example per line.
  • Train.para saves the information of training examples, including the feature dimension, the number of classes of labels and the number of examples.
  • head.txt contains the transistion model and the preprocessing information of training features, including splicing and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), saved in the format of Dan’s setup in Kaldi.
  • tail.txt contains the empirical distribution of the classes of labels, saved in the format of Dan’s setup in Kaldi.
  • kaldi-trunk/egs/timit/s5/exp/petuum_dnn contains all the log file and intermediate results.

2. DNN Training

According to the information in Train.para, you can set the configuration file for DNN (more details can be found in Input data format and Format of DNN Configuration file section). For example, if Train.para is

360 2001 1031950

You can set datasets/data_partition.txt by

/home/user/bosen/app/dnn_speech/Train 1031950

and datasets/para_imnet.txt by

num_layers: 4
num_units_in_each_layer: 360 512 512 2001
num_epochs: 2
stepsize: 0.1
mini_batch_size: 256
num_smp_evaluate: 2000
num_iters_evaluate: 100

And run

scripts/ 4 5 machinefiles/localserver datasets/para_imnet.txt datasets/data_partition.txt DNN_para.txt

The DNN app runs in the background (progress is output to stdout). After the app terminates, you should get 1 output files:


which stores weight matrices and bias vectors as Dan’s setup in Kaldi. More details can be found in next section.

3. Decoding


scripts/ DNN_para.txt datasets/para_imnet.txt

Wait for several minutes and you will see the decode result over the core test dataset of TIMIT.

Running the Deep Neural Network application

Notice that the interface of DNN for speech recognition is slightly different from the general purpose DNN in app/dnn. To see the instructions for the DNN for speech app, run


The basic syntax is

scripts/   <num_worker_threads> <staleness> <hostfile> <parameter_file> <data_partition_file> <model_para_file> "additional options"
  • <num_worker_threads>: how many worker threads to use in each machine
  • <staleness>: staleness value
  • <hostfile>: machine configuration file
  • <parameter_file>: configuration file on DNN parameters
  • <data_partition_file>: a file containing the data file path and the number of training points in each data partition
  • <model_para_file>: the path where the output weight matrices and bias vector will be stored

The final argument, “additional options”, is an optional quote-enclosed string of the form "--opt1 x --opt2 y ..." (you may omit this if you wish). This is used to pass in the following optional arguments:

  • ps_snapshot_clock x: take snapshots every x iterations
  • ps_snapshot_dir x: save snapshots to directory x (please make sure x already exists!)
  • ps_resume_clock x: if specified, resume from iteration x (note: if –staleness s is specified, then we resume from iteration x-s instead)
  • ps_resume_dir x: resume from snapshots in directory x. You can continue to take snapshots by specifying
  • ps_snapshot_dir y, but do make sure directory y is not the same as x!

For example, to run the DNN app on local machine (one client) where the number of worker thread is 4, staleness is 5, machine file is machinefiles/localserver, DNN configuration file is datasets/para_imnet.txt, data partition file is datasets/data_partition.txt, model parameter file is DNN_para.txt, use the following command:

scripts/ 4 5 machinefiles/localserver datasets/para_imnet.txt datasets/data_partition.txt DNN_para.txt

Input data format

We assume users have partitioned the data into M pieces, where M is the total number of clients (machines). Each client will be in charge of one piece. User needs to provide a file recording the data partition information. In this file, each line corresponds to one data partition. The format of each line is

<data_file> \t <num_data_in_partition>

<num_data_in_partition> is the number of data points in this partition. <data_file> is the prefix of the class label file (<data_file>.label) and the feature file (<data_file>.fea). And <data_file> must be an absolute path.

For example,

/home/user/bosen/app/dnn_speech/Train 1031950

means there are 1031950 training examples, the class label file is /home/user/bosen/app/dnn_speech/Train.label and the feature file is /home/user/bosen/app/dnn_speech/Train.fea.

The format of <data_file>.fea is:

<feature vector 1>
<feature vector 2>

Elements in the feature vector are separated with single blank.

The format of <data_file>.label is

<label 1>
<label 2>

Note that class label starts from 0. If there are K classes, the range of class labels are [0,1,...,K-1].

Format of DNN Configuration File

The DNN configurations are stored in <parameter_file>. Each line corresponds to a parameter and its format is

<parameter_name>: <parameter_value>

<parameter_name> is the name of the parameter. It is followed by a : (there is no blank between <parameter_name> and :). <parameter_value> is the value of this parameter. Note that : and <parameter_value> must be separated by a blank.

The list of parameters and their meanings are:

  • num_layers: number of layers, including input layer, hidden layers, and output layer
  • num_units_in_each_layer: number of units in each layer
  • num_epochs: number of epochs in stochastic gradient descent training
  • stepsize: learn rate of stochastic gradient descent
  • mini_batch_size: mini batch size in each iteration
  • num_smp_evaluate: when evaluating the objective function, we randomly sample <num_smp_evaluate> points to compute the objective
  • num_iters_evaluate: every <num_iters_evaluate> iterations, we do an objective function evaluation Note that, the order of the parameters cannot be switched.

Here is an example:

num_layers: 4
num_units_in_each_layer: 360 512 512 2001
num_epochs: 2
stepsize: 0.1
mini_batch_size: 256
num_smp_evaluate: 2000
num_iters_evaluate: 100

Output format

The DNN app outputs just one file:


<model_para_file> saves the weight matrices and bias vectors. The order is: weight matrix between layer 1 (input layer) and layer 2 (the first hidden layer), bias vector for layer 2, weight matrix between layer 2 and layer 3, bias vector for layer 3, etc. All matrices are saved in row major order and each line corresponds to a row. Elements in each row are separated with blank.

Terminating the DNN app

The DNN app runs in the background, and outputs its progress to stdout. If you need to terminate the app before it finishes, for distributed version, run

scripts/ <hostfile>