Maximum entropy discrimination latent Dirichlet allocation (MedLDA, JMLR‘12 paper) is a supervised topic model that jointly learns classifier and latent topic representation from the text, by integrating max-margin principle to hierarchical Bayesian topic model. Here we provide multi-class MedLDA using Gibbs sampling algorithm described in the KDD‘13 paper.

MedLDA is built on top of the Strads scheduler system, but uses a data-parallel style. A similar (though more complicated) implementation can be found here.


Using 20 machines (12 cores each), the Strads MedLDA app can solve for 1.1 million documents, 20 labels, 1000 topics in 5000 seconds.


The application can be found at strads/apps/medlda_release/. All subsequent operations are done under this directory:

cd strads/apps/medlda_release/

Assuming you have completed the Strads installation instructions,


will do the right job. The generated binary executable is located under bin/.

Data Preparation

This application takes inputs in LIBSVM format:


For instance,

21 5 cogito:1 sum:1 ergo:1

represents a short document “Cogito ergo sum” labeled as 21 and 5. Note that <word> is considered as a string while <label> should be an integer in [0, num_label).

We included a toy data set 20newsgroups under the app directory for demo purpose. If you type

wc -l 20news.{train,test}

you’ll see the training file contains 11269 documents and the test file contains 7505 documents.

The data needs to be partitioned according to the number of workers: e.g. if you use 3 workers, you will need 3 partitions. To partition the data, run

python <filename> <num_worker>

For instance,

python 20news.train 3
python 20news.test 3

randomly partitions the training and testing corpus into three subsets: 20news.train.0, 20news.train.1, 20news.train.2, and 20news.test.0, 20news.test.1, 20news.test.2.

If your cluster doesn’t support Network File System (NFS), don’t forget to scp or rsync files to the right host. The workers will determine which file to read according to the file suffix, e.g., worker_0 reads <filename>.0.

If your cluster supports NFS or you only intend to do a single machine experiment, you’re ready to go.

Running MedLDA

Quick example on a single machine

We will train MedLDA on 20newsgroups dataset on a single machine. The dataset and machine configuration files are provided in the package. It will spawn 3 servers and 3 workers, each worker running 2 threads. You can then execute:


It will run the medlda binary using default flag settings. You will see outputs like:

I1222 20:36:42.225085  2688 trainer.cpp:78] (rank:1) num train doc: 3756
I1222 20:36:42.225152  2688 trainer.cpp:79] (rank:1) num train word: 37723
I1222 20:36:42.225159  2688 trainer.cpp:80] (rank:1) num train token: 446496
I1222 20:36:42.225164  2688 trainer.cpp:81] (rank:1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:36:42.236769  2689 trainer.cpp:78] (rank:2) num train doc: 3756
I1222 20:36:42.236814  2689 trainer.cpp:79] (rank:2) num train word: 37111
I1222 20:36:42.236821  2689 trainer.cpp:80] (rank:2) num train token: 426452
I1222 20:36:42.236827  2689 trainer.cpp:81] (rank:2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:36:42.238376  2687 trainer.cpp:78] (rank:0) num train doc: 3757
I1222 20:36:42.238426  2687 trainer.cpp:79] (rank:0) num train word: 37572
I1222 20:36:42.238435  2687 trainer.cpp:80] (rank:0) num train token: 445351
I1222 20:36:42.238440  2687 trainer.cpp:81] (rank:0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:18.517712  2689 trainer.cpp:139] (rank:2) Burn-in Iteration 39  1.99362 sec
I1222 20:38:18.517719  2688 trainer.cpp:139] (rank:1) Burn-in Iteration 39  1.99363 sec
I1222 20:38:18.517725  2687 trainer.cpp:139] (rank:0) Burn-in Iteration 39  1.99362 sec
I1222 20:38:20.451874  2687 trainer.cpp:139] (rank:0) Burn-in Iteration 40  1.93407 sec
I1222 20:38:20.451865  2689 trainer.cpp:139] (rank:2) Burn-in Iteration 40  1.93407 sec
I1222 20:38:20.451872  2688 trainer.cpp:139] (rank:1) Burn-in Iteration 40  1.93408 sec
I1222 20:38:20.456595  2689 trainer.cpp:374] (rank:2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:20.456612  2689 trainer.cpp:375] (rank:2)     Elapsed time: 98.1856 sec   Train Accuracy: 0.999734 (3755/3756)
I1222 20:38:20.456607  2687 trainer.cpp:374] (rank:0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:20.456634  2689 trainer.cpp:378] (rank:2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:20.456622  2687 trainer.cpp:375] (rank:0)     Elapsed time: 98.1783 sec   Train Accuracy: 0.999468 (3755/3757)
I1222 20:38:20.456643  2687 trainer.cpp:378] (rank:0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:20.457993  2688 trainer.cpp:374] (rank:1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:20.458014  2688 trainer.cpp:375] (rank:1)     Elapsed time: 98.1953 sec   Train Accuracy: 0.999734 (3755/3756)
I1222 20:38:20.458036  2688 trainer.cpp:378] (rank:1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:38:30.521900  2688 trainer.cpp:398] (rank:1) Train prediction written into /tmp/dump_train_pred.1
I1222 20:38:30.526638  2689 trainer.cpp:398] (rank:2) Train prediction written into /tmp/dump_train_pred.2
I1222 20:38:30.592419  2687 trainer.cpp:398] (rank:0) Train prediction written into /tmp/dump_train_pred.0
I1222 20:38:31.044430  2687 trainer.cpp:403] (rank:0) Train doc stats written into /tmp/dump_train_doc.0
I1222 20:38:31.076773  2689 trainer.cpp:403] (rank:2) Train doc stats written into /tmp/dump_train_doc.2
I1222 20:38:31.213727  2688 trainer.cpp:403] (rank:1) Train doc stats written into /tmp/dump_train_doc.1
Rank (1) Ready to exit program from main function in ldall.cpp
I1222 20:38:31.256194  2687 trainer.cpp:449] (rank:0) Hyperparams written into /tmp/dump_param
I1222 20:38:31.259068  2687 trainer.cpp:454] (rank:0) Classifier written into /tmp/dump_classifier
Rank (2) Ready to exit program from main function in ldall.cpp
I1222 20:38:31.271615  2687 trainer.cpp:464] (rank:0) Dict written into /tmp/dump_dict
I1222 20:38:31.271632  2687 trainer.cpp:465] (rank:0) Total num of words: 53485
I1222 20:38:46.930896  2687 trainer.cpp:487] (rank:0) Model written into /tmp/dump_model
Rank (0) Ready to exit program from main function in ldall.cpp

Once all workers have reported Ready to exit program, you may Crtl-c to terminate the program.

As the last few lines suggest, the training results will be stored at /tmp/dump_* by default. Specifically, (let D = num of docs in a partition, L = num of labels, and K = num of topics)

  • _train_pred.x stores the predicted label of partition x. (D x 1 integer vector)
  • _train_doc.x stores the doc-topic distribution in log scale. (D x K matrix)
  • _param stores the value of alpha, beta, num_topic, and num_label.
  • _classifier stores the classifier weights. (K x L matrix, each column is a binary classifier)
  • _dict stores the aggregated distinct words appeared in the train corpus.
  • _model stores the topic-word distribution in log scale. (K x V matrix)

Now we’re ready for test. You can run


It will load the model files generated at the training phase and perform inference on test documents. You will see outputs like:

I1222 20:39:30.173037  3258 tester.cpp:24] (rank:1) Hyperparams loaded from /tmp/dump_param
I1222 20:39:30.173049  3259 tester.cpp:24] (rank:2) Hyperparams loaded from /tmp/dump_param
I1222 20:39:30.173061  3258 tester.cpp:25] (rank:1) Alpha: 0.16 Beta: 0.01 Num Topic: 40 Num Label: 20
I1222 20:39:30.173069  3259 tester.cpp:25] (rank:2) Alpha: 0.16 Beta: 0.01 Num Topic: 40 Num Label: 20
I1222 20:39:30.173780  3257 tester.cpp:31] (rank:0) Classifier loaded from /tmp/dump_classifier
I1222 20:39:30.176692  3258 tester.cpp:31] (rank:1) Classifier loaded from /tmp/dump_classifier
I1222 20:39:30.176772  3259 tester.cpp:31] (rank:2) Classifier loaded from /tmp/dump_classifier
I1222 20:39:30.213495  3257 tester.cpp:44] (rank:0) Dict loaded from /tmp/dump_dict
I1222 20:39:30.213523  3257 tester.cpp:45] (rank:0) Total num of words: 53485
I1222 20:39:30.228713  3259 tester.cpp:44] (rank:2) Dict loaded from /tmp/dump_dict
I1222 20:39:30.228745  3259 tester.cpp:45] (rank:2) Total num of words: 53485
I1222 20:39:30.235925  3258 tester.cpp:44] (rank:1) Dict loaded from /tmp/dump_dict
I1222 20:39:30.235959  3258 tester.cpp:45] (rank:1) Total num of words: 53485
I1222 20:39:31.196068  3258 tester.cpp:51] (rank:1) Model loaded into /tmp/dump_model
I1222 20:39:31.259271  3259 tester.cpp:51] (rank:2) Model loaded into /tmp/dump_model
I1222 20:39:31.306517  3258 tester.cpp:95] (rank:1) num test doc: 2502
I1222 20:39:31.306558  3258 tester.cpp:96] (rank:1) num test oov: 8212
I1222 20:39:31.306565  3258 tester.cpp:97] (rank:1) num test token: 300103
I1222 20:39:31.306571  3258 tester.cpp:98] (rank:1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:39:31.348415  3259 tester.cpp:95] (rank:2) num test doc: 2501
I1222 20:39:31.348460  3259 tester.cpp:96] (rank:2) num test oov: 8227
I1222 20:39:31.348469  3259 tester.cpp:97] (rank:2) num test token: 292610
I1222 20:39:31.348476  3259 tester.cpp:98] (rank:2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:39:31.350323  3257 tester.cpp:51] (rank:0) Model loaded into /tmp/dump_model
I1222 20:39:31.420966  3257 tester.cpp:95] (rank:0) num test doc: 2502
I1222 20:39:31.421005  3257 tester.cpp:96] (rank:0) num test oov: 7172
I1222 20:39:31.421013  3257 tester.cpp:97] (rank:0) num test token: 267530
I1222 20:39:31.421018  3257 tester.cpp:98] (rank:0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
I1222 20:39:35.194511  3257 tester.cpp:118] (rank:0)     Elapsed time: 3.77297 sec   Test Accuracy: 0.797362 (1995/2502)
I1222 20:39:35.206197  3257 tester.cpp:212] (rank:0) Test prediction written into /tmp/dump_test_pred.0
I1222 20:39:35.307680  3259 tester.cpp:118] (rank:2)     Elapsed time: 3.95875 sec   Test Accuracy: 0.822471 (2057/2501)
I1222 20:39:35.315475  3259 tester.cpp:212] (rank:2) Test prediction written into /tmp/dump_test_pred.2
I1222 20:39:35.392273  3258 tester.cpp:118] (rank:1)     Elapsed time: 4.08543 sec   Test Accuracy: 0.804956 (2014/2502)
I1222 20:39:35.404650  3258 tester.cpp:212] (rank:1) Test prediction written into /tmp/dump_test_pred.1
I1222 20:39:35.549335  3257 tester.cpp:217] (rank:0) Test doc stats written into /tmp/dump_test_doc.0
Rank (0) Ready for exit program from main function in ldall.cpp
I1222 20:39:35.647891  3259 tester.cpp:217] (rank:2) Test doc stats written into /tmp/dump_test_doc.2
Rank (2) Ready for exit program from main function in ldall.cpp
I1222 20:39:35.724900  3258 tester.cpp:217] (rank:1) Test doc stats written into /tmp/dump_test_doc.1
Rank (1) Ready for exit program from main function in ldall.cpp

Once all workers have reported Ready to exit program, you may Crtl-c to terminate the program.

We’re done! Similar to the training phase, prediction results for test documents are stored at /tmp/dump_test_doc.x and /tmp/dump_test_pred.x.

Configuration and using multiple machines

Let us inspect the training script

import os
import sys

machfile = ['./singlemach.vm']
traindata = ['./20news.train']
numservers = ['3']

prog=['./bin/medlda ']
os.system("mpirun -machinefile "+machfile[0]+" "+prog[0]+" -machfile "+machfile[0]+" -schedulers "+numservers[0]+" -train_prefix "+traindata[0]);

Things to note:

  • The last line os.system executes the MedLDA app; you may insert advanced command line flags here. See the end of this article for a full list of flags.
  • machfile gives the machine configuration file.
  • traindata gives the dataset prefix (20news.train in this case).
  • numservers is the number of servers (key-value stores) to use.

MedLDA is built upon the Strads scheduler architecture, and uses a similar machine configuration file. This machine file is a simple list of IP addresses, corresponding to workers, followed by servers, and finally the Strads coordinator. For example, the singlemach.vm machine file used in looks like this:       <--- this is worker 0       <--- this is worker 1       <--- this is worker 2       <--- this is server 0       <--- this is server 1       <--- this is server 2       <--- this is the coordinator

The last IP is always the coordinator, and the servers come immediately before it (numservers controls the number of servers). The workers make up the remaining IPs (you must use at least 2 workers).

Note: remember to partition your data for the correct number of workers.

To use multiple machines, simply change the machine file IPs to point to the desired machines. You may repeat IP addresses to assign multiple processes to the same machine, but the repeat IPs must be contiguous - ip1 followed by ip2 followed by ip1 is invalid.

Important: do not forget to prepare the test script (e.g. in the same fashion. You must use the same machine configuration as the training script.

Command line flags

Flags for training:

  • train_prefix: Prefix to the LIBSVM format training corpus.
  • dump_prefix: Prefix to the dump results.
  • num_thread: Number of worker threads.
  • alpha: Parameter of Dirichlet prior on doc-topic distribution.
  • beta: Parameter of Dirichlet prior on topic-word distribution.
  • cost: Cost parameter on hinge loss, usually called “C”.
  • ell: Margin parameter in SVM, usually set to 1. Hinge loss = max(0, ell - y <w, x>).
  • num_burnin: Number of burn-in iterations.
  • num_topic: Number of topics, usually called “K”.
  • num_label: Total number of labels.
  • eval_interval: Print out information every N iterations

Flags for testing:

  • test_prefix: Prefix to LIBSVM format test corpus.
  • dump_prefix: Prefix to the dump results.
  • num_thread: Number of worker threads.